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我们主要关注在供应链设计提升和管理,通过我们的服务为您的公司提供创新的解决方案,降低您的成本,提升您的效率. 如果您的公司正在考虑优化和改进供应链、采购、流程、库存或物流管理,坤 麟咨询会针对需求提供了各种解决方案,通过战略规划和实施,坤麟咨询可以服务于供应链整个流程,并确保我们的解决方案超出您的期望.
With a focus on supply chain design improvement and management, Kong and Allan Consulting will help your company create innovative solutions to reduce costs and improve efficiency. If your company is considering the development or improvement of supply chain, procurement, process, inventory or logistics management, we offer a range of solutions. With the ability to conduct strategic planning and implementation, Kong and Allan Consulting can work throughout the entire process to ensure these solutions exceed expectations.